Christmas 2024
Sunday, December 1, was a day filled with laughter, joy, and festive cheer as Amberfield Manor hosted its annual Christmas in the Park event. A heartfelt thank you to all the residents who attended [...]
Tshwane electricity & water meter reading and billing dates 2020
Should you elect to take your own water and electricity usage readings, you may report these to the Tshwane Municipality between the dates stipulated below. You can do so by calling 012 358 9999, or [...]
IMPORTANT information from the estate office
If your e-mail changed, inform the estate office AND KIBO to ensure your levy statement reach you. The office recommend debit orders for levy payments. KIBO Debit Order Authorization - AM Account queries: KIBO 0861111846 [...]
City of Tshwane Municipal Complaints Contact Details
External: 012 339 9111 Power failure reporting by SMS: sms "Power and your acc no." to 0826120333, example: "power 5120369" to 0826120333 Tel: 080 1111 556, 012 358 9999 or [...]
Weather Conditions in Amberfield Manor
There is a Davis Vantage Pro 2 weather station located within Amberfield Manor Estate. This weather station reports live to a personal weather station website called Weather Underground. For historic and up to the minute weather [...]
Join Amberfield Manor On Facebook
We have created an Amberfield Manor Estate Facebook page as well as an "Amberfield Manor Estate Residents" Facebook group to improve delivery of information and website changes to residents in the most convenient and effective manner. [...]
No Fireworks Allowed
We request residents to adhere to the fact that setting off fireworks in Amberfield Manor Estate is against the rules of the estate. 11.1. It is an offence to discharge fire arms, including air-and pellet-guns [...]
Fees Applicable from 01 January 2018
The following fees will be applicable from 01 January 2017 for access registration as well as estate agents. Description Access Type Price Resident or Family Member Fingerprint R50.00 Domestic Worker or Gardener Fingerprint [...]