4.a.1. These Rules of Conduct have been established in terms of the Memorandum of Incorporation of the HOA. The Rules of Conduct are binding upon all Members, residents and invitees on the Premises,
as is any decision taken by the Management in interpreting these Rules of Conduct.
4.a.2. The registered owner/Member of a Property is responsible for ensuring that his invitees, tenants, visitors and/or contractors abide by the Rules of Conduct.
4.a.3. The rules applicable to Estate Agents are set out in Annexure A, attached hereto.
4.a.4. Any damages incurred to the Premises as a result of the actions of Members, Tenants invitees, visitors and/or contractors shall be and remain the liability of the registered Member.
4.a.5. Harmonious community living is only achieved when good neighbourliness is not sacrificed by Members or residents who disturb the harmony by actions of disrespect of other persons, the environment and the Rules of Conduct.
4.a.6. Members cannot refuse to obey the Rules of Conduct as they have signed a declaration to this effect when the Property was transferred into their name. This includes the declaration signed by the Member regarding the Conservation Areas within the Premises.