13.1.1. The residential gardens and the sidewalks are an integral part of the Premises and have great importance in ensuring that the Premises develops into a homogeneous whole. Development and maintenance of gardens must be undertaken to integrate into the aesthetics of the Premises and focus on indigenous trees and plants.
13.1.2. Trees on Member’s private property or planted by a Member on the sidewalk in front of the Member’s property, which causes a direct or potential hazard of any nature on or to the Common Property and infrastructure, or another Member’s adjacent Property, have to be investigated by the Management, in consultation with the Property Owner, and any relevant aggrieved Member/s. The Management’s decision will be final, and the Management have the right to instruct the Member to rectify the risk to their satisfaction, failure upon which the Management shall have the right to rectify the situation at the transgressing Member’s cost.

13.2.1. Every Member is responsible to establish (within 3 (three) months after occupation of a Property) and to maintain the areas between the street curb and the boundary of the Property, commonly referred to as the sidewalk. Planting must not interfere with pedestrian traffic or obscure the vision of motorists.
13.2.2. Established sidewalks must be kept neat and tidy at all times.